Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The music of France

Yes, I know...two blogs in one day, I must be mental. I think it is this literary kick I am on. I finished the sixth Harry Potter Monday, (fantastic by the way), and now I'm all into reading and writing. How much can you say about singing in France, quite possibly the most enjoyable experience I've ever had, with the likelihood of anything in the near future coming close very slim. I felt as though the choir had finally spent enough time with the music. It felt like there was a point we reached where it was automatic, in a good way. The emotion, expression, technique and performance of the music could be at its highest level at any instant. The music we made while we were there is something I will remember and cherish always. I know people say performing is for your audience, but I would beg to differ. When we reached that level of performance, I didn't care about the audience. All I could see was Dr. Copeland, and all I could hear was the music. I think athletes call it "being in the zone." Everything else disappears. I hope this is a feeling we can re-create through my next two years here.
As for the negatives, I felt somewhat like the choir, myself first of all, was too excited and focused on simply getting into the finals. Granted, without MAKING the finals, there is not much to be excited. But, with all the energy and intensity bent on making the finals, it is hard to reach beyond that point again. Secondly, I remembered the other day how our time slot for the day of the finals was pushed up drastically, forcing us to inhale our food and be ready ten minutes after we arrived at the cafeteria. I think all of us were still not quite focused where we should have been, because all of us were planning on another couple of hours to find that place. Severe lack of communication on the competitions part in not relaying this message to us earlier. I feel as though this was a detriment to our performance in the finals of category I.
Back to the lighter side of things, France is a place I believe everyone should visit before they die, and a place I plan on visiting again, when I bring my own choir to an international competition. Ahh, something to look forward to...anyways, tonight, it's "Wedding Crashers" and I'm pumped. Thanks for stopping bye, be good.

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