Monday, March 06, 2006


Yesterday, I had the honor and privilege of singing at the M-Power Awareness Concert at the Alys Stephens Center with the Vestavia Hills UMC Chancel Choir. The other choirs there were Shades Crest Baptist, Vestavia Baptist, Cathedral Church of the Advent, Independent Pres., Sixth Ave. Baptist and New Hope Baptist Church. What an experience it was to watch the two black churches, Sixth ave. and New Hope sing in worship. The look on their faces and in their movements was one of full surrender and exultation. I really felt that the Holy Spirit was in that place when they were singing. That's not to say that every other choir didn't perform wonderfully, but there was just something special about these two choirs. As I watched and listened to them, I began to VAGUELY understand what a source of comfort and hope faith must have been during the terrible stain of slavery in this country. You hear so much about slaves singing and having such a strong faith in God through song, etc., that you couldn't help but think about that and be touched by that music. I understand that that is what no man can take away from you. No matter how much power they have over you here, no matter how much those slaves were beaten, tortured, or humiliated, no amount of that can touch their unshakeable faith in Christ. I want to say thank you to those choirs. I didn't get to speak to them after the concert was over, because there were SO MANY PEOPLE, but thank you. You touched me in a way that doesn't happen very often. Thank you, and God bless.

1 comment:

ewaroach said...

Charles... you were right! when you arent quoting you are BRILLIANT! we're friends