Monday, March 28, 2005

That Saturday

Deep, but not real wide...anyways...
It being Easter weekend and all, or it having just passed, made me think about something. We celebrate Good Friday and Easter, but what about that Saturday? It is interesting to me what this day might have been like. We know that Friday afternoon was dark and miserable, but what might that Saturday have been like? Purgatory? A state of limbo on the way to Christ's resurrection. And if you look into it further still, how depressing and lonely it must have felt, for if Christ was fully man AND fully God, the thought that man had killed God is extremely frightening. A whole 24 hours where God was not in the world? Scary. Yes, God still WAS, but Christ WAS also FULLY GOD. Ohh well, it just makes me think about what that Saturday really was like. Until later

1 comment:

Katie Mo said...

so...are we suppose to take from the title that your thoughts are deeply intellectual yet exquisitely narrow-minded?
later gator.