Wednesday, January 12, 2005

(Not) In a Hurry to Grow Up

"You can't take life too seriously, otherwise, you might never get out alive." These are the words of the brilliant, at times disgusting, Van Wilder. The more this year has progressed, I have discovered that being a grown up is a lot of hard work, and I am not sure that I am ready for that. I'm sure most of you out there are thinking, "yeah, you're certainly not showing any signs of growing up," and that's fair. But it's just that, as I am exposed to more adult situations, and involved in more serious decisions, I see why becoming an adult is such a long, continual process. I guess what I'm trying get across is that I don't see why people are in such a hurry to be grown up and be out of school and out on there own and then having to be the ones that are making the decisions for another human being. I feel like we are all where we should be, and when the day comes for us to be the decision makers in the world, we will be ready. I guess, in a way, I'm a little nervous about being an adult. After being a child for the better part of, eh hem, 20 years, it is going to be a big change. Well, I've rambled on about how much I suffer from peter pan syndrome, my real point is, we shouldn't be in a hurry to grow up, it will come soon enough, all we can do is try our best to ready when it does happen. until then, I'll keep thinking good thoughts and trying to fly....

1 comment:

Katie Mo said...

i don't wanna grow up!
i don't wanna go to school
just to learn to be a parrot,
and recite the Golden Rule.
If growin up means it should be
beyond my dignity to climb a tree,
i'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow UP! not me. not I. not me. no Sir, not me.