Wednesday, December 01, 2004

"Find the Miraculous in the Common Place"

I am very curious as to whether anyone who might read this blog could tell me who wrote these words over a hundred years ago.
My junior year of high school, I wrote a research paper on Ralph Waldo Emerson and found these inspiring words in one of his essays. All this to introduce my first personal blog.

I am a content person. For the past year or so, things have been steadily getting better and better, and I feel this is due in large part to my new found faith in God, and subsequent affirmations of his existence. It worries me when people say that "Miracles don't exist or happen," or, "I don't believe in miracles." While it may be true that waters have not been parted, or someone has not been physically raised from the dead in thousands of years, it is my strong belief that miracles happen every day, and are much more commonplace than people want to or can believe. Take today for example, I had a test that I had not prepared for and would not have done well on, and, even though it was my fault that I was not better prepared, the test was postponed until Friday. A miracle. Finding out that a class is canceled, a spiritual moment in choir (personally speaking), and getting two cokes for the price of one (that happened yesterday), these are all miracles that I think people grossly overlook. It is these "small" miracles that make a life worth living. Whether you hold any of the same convictions I hold or not, I do hope that you realize that there are forces in the world stronger and bigger than you, and for some reason, some times, these forces work for you and create miracles all the time that people are so desperately looking for, but are blind to the fact that they are staring them in the face. Well, so much for the first meditation, hopefully I might have peaked your interest for a while and gotten you to think seriously for a bit. I know it doesn't seem like I do very much, but hopefully this blog will open a side of me to every one out there. Thanks so much, and remember....If everyone is special, that means no one is. Be Special.

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