Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just needed to talk

Things have been very different for the last few weeks in my life..things are changing, I'm doing more, a real job, scary, and lots of other things. I don't know, I've just been very used to and comfortable in my life for the past three or four years, and now it seems like everything is changing or has changed. I'm not quite sure I like it either. I mean, I like my job and I know music is what I want to do, but my maturation and new life is just making other things impossible or putting stress on them or, I'm not really sure. Relationships with friends and others have changed, and not always for the best. Things aren't terrible by any means, and maybe that's why I feel so guilty complaining about them right now, but they're just not the way I want them to be. I get the feeling sometimes that I'm being left out of things or not completely let in, and that is not a good feeling if you've never experienced it. I feel like I have my world, and then, there's this whole other thing going on that I'm not a part of that I used to be. Yeah, there are certain things that I'm talking about more than others, but I don't mean this to be incriminating, just expression. I don't know...I just don't really know

Friday, April 06, 2007

The First of Many...

I was looking around online and found this...I was happy to have it on record for posterity.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Well, it's time to go to bed...but first some musings. It has been a strange week. As probably most of you who read my blog know, Delia and I broke up this weekend on Sunday after three years of serious dating. It was a very difficult decision to make and it was not enjoyable to follow through with this decision. Delia and I dated for a very long time and were very good for each other for quite a long time. However, I did make this decision, one that I thought long and hard about. I have seen quite a few of you since this has happened, in class, around, etc. and most of you have had some kind words to say, niceties and what have you, and they are appreciated. I know that Delia and I breaking up was probably a big deal to a lot of people. When we all have been around each other so much and come to be so close and know so much about each other, we naturally become involved in everything that everybody else is doing. But, there comes a time when things have to be left at the personal level. I honestly do not wish to hear any more comments about the situation. Yes, I know, many of you may have at least some, if not strong, feelings on the subject. Please keep them to yourself. This was not an enjoyable experience, and I do not wish to belabour the point anymore. I mean this in as polite a way as I possibly know how, but if you have anything to say, positive, negative, inbetween, about any of the parties involved, the situation, timing, anything related, I respectfully ask that you keep them to yourselves. I know this may sound a bit pleading or trying to get people to stop gossiping or whatever it is that people do, but that is not my point. I personally just don't want anything to do with it. I have enjoyed my time at UAB far too much to have it scarred at the very end by a situation about which nothing more could be done. I do not want this to be my last memory of the school and of the people and my time here, nor do I want people's possible negative impressions of the situation or myself included for that matter, to be the last thing that I am remembered for here at this school. I just want people to realize and accept what has happened and move on. It does no one any good to dwell on what has happened when nothing can be done to change it. Acknowledge what has happened, then act as though nothing has happened at all. That's it. Thank you my friends